Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Truth About How To Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is considered to be hazardous to your health.  But, there are ways to regain your former physique and improve your overall health by losing your belly fat.  If you want to lose belly fat, you will need to create a daily routine that will require some work on your part.

The best way to lose stomach fat quickly and in a healthy manner involves a combination of smart eating habits along with regular exercise.  You need not be concerned that your program be designed specifically to target your belly fat.  Simply by increasing your daily physical activity and reducing your food intake will work fine.

One of the first steps is to eliminate dairy products, bread, sugars, and fat from your diet.  As you decrease the unhealthy foods, you should simultaneously increase the healthy ones; such as, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains, lean meats and fish.  The end result is you will see an overall weight loss, as well as a decrease in belly fat.  Reducing carbohydrates intake while adding whole grains to your diet will men that you body will save less fat for later use.

To truly reduce belly fat and reach your goal for weight loss, you need to incorporate and exercise routine into your schedule.  Your metabolism receives a much needed boost when you workout, this will allow your body to use up a greater number of calories, whether you are on the go or while you are sleeping.  This means, you body will not be saving as much fat, as it is burning calories faster. 

Many people who are just starting an exercise regimen assume that cardio is the answer, but too much cardio can cause the body to take energy from the muscles.  A better form of exercise is interval training.  This means you combine body weight exercises with weights (optional) to burn fat in the least amount of time while being efficient.  Most workouts can be done in 45 minutes a few times a week or less.  Keep in mind, simplicity will make it easier when it comes to losing belly fat.  Those individuals who carry less weight in their mid-section, are those who regularly participate in cardio workouts that are extremely high intensity.

If you don't get rid of belly fat, you increase the chances of heart related disorders, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome.  You want to have confidence in your appearance, maintain a high level of energy, and remain in good shape.  Therefore, you should be taking a step forward by working toward shedding those extra pounds around you mid-section.  You have the tools that you need to reduce stomach fat.  By participating in a daily exercise routine, reducing your caloric intake, and eating healthier, you will lose belly fat quickly.

Exercise To Reduce Stomach Fat

For many new moms, the wardrobe will usually consist of outfits with elasticated waistbands.  Exercise to reduce stomach fat can indeed help you loose belly fat.  Stomach toning exercises that help develop strong abdominals will keep you stomach taut, not to mention lift your diaphram, which will make it easier for you to breath.  But, what is the best fat burning exercise.  Simple, it's one you'll stick with.

Of course, the best one will vary depending on the individual.  When it comes to finding exercise to reduce stomach fat, variety is important.  So, if you are looking to lose the fat tummy, ditch the sweats and get your figure back, here is one exercise routine:

Lie flat on your back on the floor, with your knees bent, feet about hop-width apart.

Cross your arms behind your head and exhale, using your abdominals to slowly lift your upper body up as far as you can.

While your torso is elevated, exhale.  Then try to raise up a bit more.

With your arms and head resting on the floor, breath out and relax.

Do this five times.

For maximum impact, crunch your stomach muscles as tightly as possible as you do any ab tightening exercises.